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Frequently quotable starlet/recent Woody Allen muse Scarlett Johansson grants Spin some insight into her Match Point director's behind-the-camera technique:

"WE'D be shooting some intense confrontational scene where we were going crazy and screaming at each other, and then the moment Woody would yell, 'Cut,' he'd turn to me and ask, 'So how old were you when you lost your virginity?' "

Returning for a moment to the controversial Rhys-Meyers Theory, which posits that Allen wanted to be Johansson more than he wanted to bone Johansson (the Defamer Corollary allows that these are complementary, not oppositional, motivations), the remark can easily be recast from transparent come-on to detached research. Between other takes, we assume Allen asked equally innocuous questions about how old the actress was when she first menstruated, what she commonly eats for breakfast, or if she ever fantasizes about men old enough to be her grandfather who wield great power over her, just to flesh out his "Being Scarlett Johansson" fantasy.

[Photo: Getty Images]