Brad Renfro Pleads Not Guilty Of Committing His Well Documented Crime

As Leif Garrett ponders his next step between violent, withdrawal-induced vomiting fits in an LA County holding cell, his fellow LAT "this is the end of your career on drugs" poster boy Brad Renfro stood before a judge today, where he managed to deliver a "not guilty" plea without cracking a smile:
Actor Brad Renfro pleaded not guilty Wednesday to felony drug charges stemming from his arrest for allegedly trying to buy heroin from undercover officers in a skid-row drug sting that netted more than a dozen people.
The 23-year-old star of "Ghost World," "Apt Pupil" and "The Client" checked into a live-in drug-treatment program following his Dec. 22 arrest and is free on $10,000 bail."He's looking forward to resolving it all as soon as possible and getting back to acting," Renfro's attorney, Richard Kaplan, told reporters outside Superior Court Commissioner James Bianco's courtroom.
And so it goes: Renfro, an admitted drug user and current rehab in-patient who was pictured in full-color on the front page of a national newspaper bent over a squad car seconds after attempting to buy a balloon of heroin from a group of undercover cops in a place called "heroin alley" as a reporter and photographer stood just feet away feverishly scribbling notes and snapping pictures, claims he's not guilty of the crimes for which he has been accused. Thank heavens for due process; for a moment we almost suspected him.