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Now that you know A Million Little Pieces certainly doesn't contain James Frey's life story, as you'd long thought it did, we can imagine you must be desperate for any sort of printed-and-bound account of Frey's real past. This is why we're pleased to direct you to America's best stomping ground for obsessive collectors of useless ephemera: eBay. Where you can now find the 1986 yearbook from Frey's high school.

Granted it's not from his senior year. And apparently there's some minor wear. But it's a real, nonfiction book, and it includes two whole reference to Frey — both an individual photo with his class and a group shot with his "top-ranked soccer team" (in which, we must say, he looks kinda hot).

Shipping's cheap — only $5 — and all this can be yours for the low, low price of only $1,000. Act now! Supplies are limited, and the auction ends soon!

Can't imagine why no one has bid yet.

Attn James Frey Fans: 1986 High School Yearbook [eBay]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of James Frey