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We promise that this will be our last James Frey post of the, uh, minute — but it's really important, we swear! While the Smoking Gun has dug up and disproved that which can be disproved in rehab memoir A Million Little Pieces, much like us, the boys at Freakonomics have wondered what else Frey might've falsified. Apparently, there's a disturbing little resource called the Mortality Detail File, which provides information on every death in the United States. Oooh, why not use that to find out if anyone resembling Frey's lover Lilly, who hangs herself in a Chicago halfway house just as Frey is coming from prison to see her, ever existed:

Indeed, there was one case that vaguely fits the description. A 24 year old single white woman did commit suicide by hanging in Chicago in March of 1994. That much, at least, looks favorable to Frey s description.

Working strongly against him, however, is that the woman who committed suicide had completed college. From Frey s description of Lilly a prostitute since the age of 13 and a long time heroin and crack addict it seems highly unlikely that she would have completed college.

Well for fuck's sake. At this point, we have to wonder if Frey has ever so much as sipped a wine cooler.

Further Fact-Checking of James Frey's Memoirs [Freakonomics]