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Because America sort of sucks lately, Sun vice-president and general manager Stephen Hastings is leaving the Young Republicans altogether and heading to the Great White North, where he'll join the staff at the Toronto Star. His replacement is former marketing and circulation VP Augie Fields; Augie comes from Depression-era Chicago and has worked as a soap salesman and boxing coach. He arrived at the Sun, naturally, in search of a worthwhile fate.

The full memo from publisher Ronald Weintraub, including exciting details about Linda Seto's promotion to Circulation Goddess, after the jump.

——-Original Message——-
From: Ronald Weintraub
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:26 PM
To: NY Sun Office Staff
Subject: Executive Changes

Dear Colleagues,

I want to advise you of several changes which will be taking place over the next few weeks in the business area. Stephen Hastings, Vice President and General Manager of the Sun, has indicated that he will be leaving the Sun. Stephen is leaving to join The Toronto Star, Canada's largest-circulation daily.

During his tenure here, Stephen proved to be an invaluable asset to The New York Sun. Under Stephen's leadership, the Sun has essentially rebuilt its operations and revamped its business model. Stephen is largely responsible for a complete reorganization of the sales functions of the newspaper and the extremely successful launch of the Sun's hybrid distribution initiative. We wish Stephen as well as his family all the best in their future endeavors, but his presence will be greatly missed.

Replacing Stephen as Vice President and General Manager will be Augie Fields, currently Vice President of Marketing and Circulation. As many of you know, Augie was recruited to the Sun by Stephen a year ago with nearly two decades of newspaper management experience. I look forward to Augie's continued contribution to the Sun in his expanded role. Nancy Stuski, Vice President of Sales will add the newspaper's marketing functions to her portfolio.

Effective at the time of these changes is the promotion of Linda Seto to Circulation Director. One of the tests of a healthy organization is its ability to promote from within, so I consider us extremely fortunate to be able to announce that Linda is moving to such a critical position. She has been an integral part of the Sun since our birth almost four years ago and her experience, intellect and drive made her an easy choice for all of us.

Ronald Weintraub
The New York Sun Newspaper
105 Chambers St.
New York, NY 10007
(212) 901-2695
(212) 571-9836 (fax)