• James Frey will be on Larry King tonight to give his first interview (or statements of any kind, really) since the Smoking Gun first broke the news about his "dramatic embellishments." Inside scoop: we shit you not, he'll be bringing his mother on the program. Grab the kleenex, Oprah. [USA Today]
• In a "holy shit how far can this go" move, Random House will offer full refunds to readers who bought A Million Little Pieces directly from the publisher. If you scored your copy at the bookstore, have fun arguing with the pimple-faced staffer at Barnes & Noble. (If you actually do try to make a return at the store, do let us know how it goes.) [CNN]

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• While many might direct their ire at Frey (and justifiably so), there's something to be said for the sorry state of the literary industry and what it asks of its writers. [NY Sun]
• And you know that sorry state is getting even worse if Oprah's reaction is the only thing that will ultimately matter. [NYO]
• Minnesotans knew Frey was spitting BS all along. [Star Tribune]
• A new suggestion for Frey's FTBSITTTD tattoo. [Blowing Smoke]