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In the post-Giuliani era, it's tough for a gay man in Times Square and seeking a little lovin' to know what to do with himself. The Gaiety closed last year, the buddy booths are fewer and further between, and, hell, there isn't even a good diva on Broadway at the moment. (Patti LuPone as Mrs. Lovett just doesn't seem to count.) So it's a good thing that Viacom, your friendly neighborhood media conglomerate, is stepping in to fill the void. Reports a tipster (who curiously submitted this via Armani-clad brother Defamer):

MTV's little gay network Logo has recently had their floor redecorated (5th floor at 1633 Broadway) - including the kitchen.

With the "stylish" new decor and Logo blaring on the TV in the background 24/7, it's become the new pickup spot for MTV Networks gays — including Nickelodeon upstairs. Lunchtime is the most popular with gay guys coming down with their lunches to cruise the Logo staff and each other.

It's gotten to the point where there's a joke going around that a PA who bartends at local gay club Barracuda will set up shirtless and start serving drinks.....

And, hey, it's nice to know that at least some gays somewhere are finding the Logo network interesting, even if not in quite the way intended.

The tipster also sent a pic, which is after the jump. Be warned: Sadly, it's merely of an empty kitchen, not of the shirtless bartender. Which makes it about as boring as it sounds.

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.