This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Holiday e-cards are, without question, this season's most disgusting trend (you know who you are, lazy-ass). But while many an inbox greeting has provoked the rolling of our jaded eyes, only one has caused actual retching:

Subject: Happy Holidays from Star Jones

To all my friends and fans:

I want you to be the first to hear about my new book which is available on January 6, 2006. It's called Shine: A Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Journey to Finding Love, based on my own search for happiness and fulfillment.

I asked myself a few years ago, "Girl, is your life as good as it gets?"

We don't know, girl, 'cause you've got that smoking bod and awesome job and sensitive husband. But after the jump, Star's gonna answer that ever-so pressing question. Whether you like it or not.

And when I didn't like the answer, I decided to make some big changes which brought me to where I am today: in the happiest relationships of my life-with Al, with God, and with myself! In Shine, I share the secrets of my own journey and show you how to get started on making your own life as good as it can be!

With 2006 right around the corner, people are thinking about what changes to make to start the New Year off right. Shine is the perfect holiday gift from the heart for your best girlfriend, your daughter, your sister, or even yourself.

Check out any of these online retailers just by clicking here. Some retailers are even offering downloadable or email-able holiday gift cards, so your "present" will be wrapped and ready.

Stay tuned for further email updates when I start my book tour-I may be coming to a bookstore near you in 2006!

Happy Holidays!