It's day three of the world's most goddamned annoying strike on earth, and everyone's beyond exhausted. Not content to let the Red Cross be the sole purveyor of goodwill, the fine folks at Craigslist (your Official Source for Fucked-Up Transit Strike Information©) are doing their part:

oral relief for cabbies/limo drivers who work hard during the strike - m4mm - 44
Date: 2005-12-22, 1:53AM EST

clean, attractive regular gwm looking to show my appreciatation to cabbies and other car service drivers who have been doing us all a favor with their work during the strike. No reciprocation necessary. I am hiv- you be too. I am an enthusiastic cocksucker. Send your pic/description and let's figure out how to hook up.

No reciprocation necessary, but he would appreciate a quick ride to work after he's finished.
