B-b-breaking: Liberal wonky magazine American Prospect opens up a can of lefty whoop-ass on beleaguered New York Times editor Bill Keller and publisher Arthur Sulzberger by imploring both of them to resign. The Prospect's executive editor Michael Tomasky brings up the usual lot of blemishes — Judy Miller, James Risen, et al — and says in order for the paper to restore its credibility, Keller and Sulzberger must go:

There are reasons for liberals (at opinion magazines, at blogs, etc.) to tread a little carefully these days with regard to criticism of the Times. Those of us who work at smaller shops don t appreciate how difficult it can be to run large institutions (here at TAP, we sometime have trouble running this institution, of 20-whatever people). The pressure of simply being The New York Times is enormous. And, of course, every piece of flesh ripped from the paper s body by the liberal opinion-blog world serves, ultimately, as another plate of hot victuals for the vultures of the right, circling above, counting the hours until the newspaper of record is a flayed, and inconsequential, carcass. The country needs The New York Times. A Times of aggressive journalism, integrity, and especially transparency is essential seriously to American democracy. And that s exactly why the Times no longer needs Bill Keller and maybe should be reconsidering the filial inheritance of its publisher, too.

To sum up all that high-minded, pretentious pussy-footing: "Keller and Sulzberger Suck Balls." Thanks, American Prospect!

Keller Must Go [American Prospect]