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On Craigslist, the transit strike has done wonders to showcase the tolerant, progressive side of both TWU supporters...

Don't think us TWU workers don't know what goes on on Craigslist. We gots Internet just like you. So while your skinny white azz is trembling in the cold, I'm at home drinking hot cocoa and watching the the WB channel 9 and I will walk away with a raise that you will pay for. hardy har har. Signed Bubba

and detractors...

Keep drinking your coco you fucking nigger, every day of your strike will cost you three days pay. Bloomberg is going to bury you, he will make you grovel for your job back. So relax and try to get fatter than you are now. Look at yourself, you are a loser fat nigger with no hope of improving yourself. Die Jig.

Gosh, they both have fair points. It's so hard to pick sides...

How ya like us niggaz now, ya freezin crackaz(TWU)
Re: How ya like us niggaz now, ya freezin crackaz(TWU)
Related: Start Throwing Things at the ANIMAL TWU strikers
Do you see the family resemblance?
I got something for all you faggots that have to walk to work...[NSFW]
Bloomberg Does Not Bargain With Terrorists, TWU is Out
Hey Bubba