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Teri Hatcher has won her libel suit against British tabloid The Daily Sport, which falsely reported that she enjoyed turnstyle gentlemen caller action in the Volkswagen van parked in her driveway as her daughter sat in their home. Simply not true, says Hatcher:

"I have tolerated many ridiculous and fabricated lies and gossip in the tabloids," Hatcher, a Golden Globe winner, said in a statement after the case was settled at London's High Court.

"But when a story appeared about me, insinuating that I am an irresponsible and neglectful parent, I had to draw the line."

Her lawyer David Smith told the court that the article had appeared in the Sport on July 25 this year under the heading "Teri's Passion Wagon".

The story was accompanied by a picture of a smiling Hatcher standing next to the van accompanied by the caption: "Tasty Teri's old VW helps her with her sex drive."

The ruling requires the Sport to print a front page apology (the National Enquirer has already printed a groveling retraction for running the story in their own pages) and pay "significant damages." Puff-piece entertainment journalists can now breathe easy knowing Hatcher's public persona is once again in tune with her lovable, no-van-sex-having Desperate Housewives character, allowing for a welcome return to their favorite story angle.