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Slate has a luverly little piece praising the genius of Rockefeller Center — how its simple, smart planning makes for the perfect urban center, its beautiful architecture lending itself to the "glory" of Christmas and whatnot.

Sure, Rock Center is great. Fantastic, really — so long as you don't have to spend more than 10 minutes trudging around the area anytime between Thanksgiving and New Year's. We're assuming the article's author hasn't been so misfortunate as to actually spend a signifcant length of time in Rock Center during this special season, when the cattle herd of holiday clusterfucking tourists reaches its fever pitch.

It's hard to appreciate the "holiday glory" of anything when you can't even walk at a normal pace because of all the visitors, most of whom will excitedly stop in the middle of pedestrian traffic just so they can get a picture of Dean & Deluca because they saw it on the fucking Today show. Yeah, that doesn't strike us as particularly glorious.

Flags Snap, Heels Tap [Slate]