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Many things, it seems, went wrong with The Brothers Grimm, one of 2005's more resounding box office bombs. Big-budget movie production is a delicate, interconnected affair, so who's to say that an error in producer Harvey Weinstein's fuckability calculus, which led to casting little-known actress Lena Headley instead of an Oscar-nominated treasure, didn't contribute to its failure? From The Scoop:

“Samantha Morton! You must be kidding me!” Weinstein said, director Gilliam told Bob McCabe, author of the book "Dreams and Nightmares," which has just been published in the U.K. “You think Matt or Heath would want to [bleep] that?”

The F-test is a tricky thing, and while its previous application for these particular actors might have yielded awards-quality chemistry with Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting and Jake Gyllenhaal in Brokeback Mountain, it can just as easily doom the entire affair.