• Two dudes posted a request for "Hot Sketch Comedy" on every Craigslist in the country, and a year later, the resultant show, aptly titled "Found on Craigslist," takes stage at Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. And if it's found on Craigslist, you know what that means: herpes for everyone! [Upcoming]
• Our basic understanding of Haino Keiji is that he randomly bangs on some guitars and calls it music. The catch is, he rarely does so here in the US — so hop on his innovation train tonight at the Stone. [flavorpill]
• Just when you thought they'd gone and taken their Saran-Wrap with them, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the duo responsible for the Gates, peddle their new book on the project tonight at the Strand. Count how many times they say "saffron" from 6:30-8. [Strand]