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If the city were to award landmark status on eyesore merit alone, certainly the Hancock Park house lined with scores of leprechaun sized mini-Davids would be first on the list. It's a symphony of postmodern architectural pastiche, all white wrought iron rococo flourishes, DirecTV dishes, and the crowning touch, an SUV painted in gradient, sunset colors, parked permanently in the driveway. This year's seasonal embellishments: the letters "FHP" stand whimsically on the roof, a holiday reminder to "Feed His People"; every David gets his own version of a Jake Gyllenhaal thong; and an urban reimagining of Santa and the Mrs. snuggle up for a little mommy and daddy time after the elves have been put to bed. And should any of the well-to-do neighbors complain, the residents can always just shrug their shoulders and reply, "Would you rather an array of giant, spread-legged Paris Hilton portraits?"