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There's a lot going on in the January issue of Lucky — including a rather large spread on lam that appears to be entirely serious. But what we always enjoy are the random-ass stories beauty editor Jean Godfrey-June comes up with to plug various products in her column. This month she shills for D.L. & Co's Rare Botanic Candle in Oleander. But first, Jean — who is also, it turns out, a mudcake enthusiast - admits to nearly murdering her friends as a child.

The flowers on the oleander were a clear hot pink or a bright white ideal for decorating mud cakes, an activity I greatly enjoyed. Oleander, as you may know, is a relatively fatal poison, so while the recipients of the mud cakes were usually delighted, their mothers were not.... I would be asked to destroy my handiwork.

She eventually gets around to mentioning the candle in the column's final paragraph, but we'll forgive her. She may have buried her lede, but at least her friends remain above ground.
