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We're popping marshmallows in hot chocolate for this week's sponsors, who help ensure our cocoa is nicely spiked. Want to join our apr s-ski shindig? There's info here.

• LeTigre
• Sprint
• American Apparel
• Audible
• Kameo TomTomGo
• The Warriors
• Konami
• Nordstrom
• The White Stripes
• People for the American Way
• Slide
• Jewcy
• The New School
• Bluefly
• Bodies
• Smirnoff

Free Stuff: Advertiser-Sponsored Contest
Because we know how much you love bodies without clothes, we know you'll really like bodies without either clothes or skin! After the jump, find out how to win tickets to Bodies... The Exhibition, running now at South Street Seaport and freaking you out on billboards all around town.

Innovative. Real. Groundbreaking. This striking new exhibition showcases real human bodies, giving visitors the opportunity to see themselves in a fascinating way like never before. Captivating and edifying, Bodies... The Exhibition unveils the many complex systems of organs and tissues that drive every aspect of our daily lives and unite us all as humans. Bodies... The Exhibition will enlighten, empower, fascinate, and inspire.

It's at South Street Seaport through February 2006, and some lucky Gawker readers can win free admission for two.

To enter, just send an email to with the subject line Bodies Contest before Monday, December 12. Two emails will be picked at random to win a pair of tickets, good on any day. By emailing your entry, you agree to our Contest Rules.

You can learn more about the exhibition and buy tickets at