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So we just had this great idea: If we come up for an official-sounding name that suggests a recurring feature, something like Thursday Afternoon Rumor Mill, then the totally unsubstantiated (but very rapidly spreading) chatter that we're hearing might sound somewhat less wacky. We've been barraged with rumors concerning the situation at Sony, with one saying that Amy Pascal is out, Columbia co-president of production Matt Tolmach is getting promoted to studio head, and other co-president Doug Belgrad is taking a production deal. Another (possibly oppositional, possibly complementary?) batch of rumor-mongerers seem to think that Pascal is getting promoted to co-CEO of Sony with Michael Lynton. Will Pascal be rewarded or punished for Sony's bomb-strewn year? Will she show her usual flair for occasion-appropriate dress by wearing a festive flack jacket to Sony's holiday party next week? Only time (or a press release, or a story in Variety, or a fresh set of contradictory tracking board rumors) will tell.