• Marina Abramovic's Balkan Erotic Epica features, among other images meant to illustrate the role of sexuality in Balkan culture, "a young girl in peasant garb caught in the throes of self-induced passion." We're pretty sure that's just code for "amateur chick masturbating on tape," but if you need artsy language to justify your hobby, then we're not judging. [flavorpill]
• If you can actually breathe through the cloud of depression and self-indulgence that results when 20 authors gather in one room, perhaps you can make a purchase or two tonight at The Powerhouse Annual Book Signing Extravanganza. [Paper]
• As nothing does, in fact, compare to an Irish, bisexual Rastafarian with a shaved head and piercing blue eyes, Sin ad O'Connor takes the stage herself tonight at Webster Hall. Bring a photo of your most treasured icon for the after-party. [Upcoming]