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This just in from a sure-to-be-dejected Lloyd Grove:

After 19 stellar, scoop-breaking months on the Lowdown column, Hudson Morgan is getting ready to leave for an associate editor gig at Men's Vogue. I will be sad to see Hud go, and I will miss his excellent reporting, hard work and sunny personality (okay, partly cloudy personality), and I expect he will cover himself with glory in his new assignment, just as he did at the New York Daily News. I am in the process of hiring a new assistant, who starts in January.

Deep down, we all knew that a man with Huddie's sartorial flair could spend only so long among ink-stained tabloid reporters. But, still, one has to wonder: Will the Anna offshoot ever truly endorse pastel polos with their collars worn up? That's one developing...

Meantime, we just hope this hire isn't Men's Vogue's big bid to prove that, really, truly, they're for the straights.

Gossip [NYDN]