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Eight months after Peter Jennings last anchored World News Tonight, and four months after his untimely death, ABC News has announced that Bob Woodruff and Elizabeth Vargas will become the new permanent co-anchors of the broadcast. There are also a host of changes coming to the show. According the ABC announcement:

Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 3, when Vargas and Woodruff debut together as co-anchors, "World News Tonight" will become the first evening newscast to broadcast a live version to the West Coast each night. "World News Tonight" will also make various versions of its reports available over the Internet throughout the afternoon and evening.

Congrats to Vargas and Woodruff and condolences to Charlie Gibson. And much appreciation to the fine folks over at CBS News, who prove that even when finding a new anchor, their Evening News will, characteristically, remain in last place.

Vargas, Woodruff Named Co-Anchors of Expanded Version of ABC's 'World News Tonight' []