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In this week's issue of New York, there's a stunning exposé on the dark underbelly of Manhattan real estate. We'd no idea, but apparently all sorts of people have these strange things called "roommates." Crazy, right?!

Susanne Prosser is a bunch older than the "three really cool girls that go to FIT" who, like her, posted last week on Craigslist. And she s far more established than the 24-year-old actor with the "bartending habit." The 37-year-old marketing executive does have one thing in common with them, though: She needs a roommate. "It s not just for people in their twenties anymore," she says.

Wow, it's like New York discovered a whole new CLASS of people making under seven figures. We can't decide if this sort of journalism merits an Ellie, or editor Adam Moss's head on a plate.

Run for the Boarder [NYM]