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Carefully written thank-you notes for this week's sponsors, who some day, when we become men, will help foot the bill for our rock-starrific b'nai mitzvah. Care to stuff a few checks in our suit pocket? More info here.

• LeTigre
• Nordstrom
• American Apparel
• VH1
• iPod
• Sprint
• Kameo
• TomTomGo
• The Warriors
• Konami
• Nokia
• The New School
• Thymes
• SciFi Channel
• Bluefly
• Green Day
• Bodies
• Samsung
• Svedka Vodka

Win a free iPod Nano from VH1
It's not every day an enormous media conglomerate wants to give you free shit, so you should hop on this chance. Enter the "Big in '05" contest after the jump, and try to take Viacom for all it's worth.

Sunday is VH1's big "Big in '05" awards show, and we want to you know what you all thought was big this year. Here are VH1's nominees for Big Quote. Vote on your favorite, and we'll see which Gawker readers like the best. Even better: When you vote, you'll also get to supply your email address and be entered in a drawing for a free iPod Nano, courtesy of VH1.

Does your pick match VH1's? Tune into the "Big in '05" broadcast Sunday night, at 8 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Central.

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