• In the blue-state version of Desperate Housewives, Felicity Huffman plays a transsexual who discovers the existence of her street-hustler son. Catch her female-turned-male-turned-female stint in Transamerica, opening today. [TONY]
• Flavorpill takes over the Guggenheim tonight for its First Fridays series, featuring a live set by Funkst rung, a Munich-based techno duo. If they came all the way from Germany, surely you can make it all the way uptown. [flavorpill]
• DJ Heather's performance at Sullivan Room tonight differs from a bunch of other DJs performing at places tonight in that the proceeds benefit NextAid, in conjunction with World AIDS Day. Do the right thing, 'cause you probably didn't do so yesterday. [flavorpill]
• Garrison Keilor and Co. take over the Town Hall Theater for this month's broadcast of a Prairie Home Companion, which means you have four chances to watch sound effects be made. See (hear?) the triangle in all its glory tonight at 5:45. [Upcoming]
• Martha Stewart speaks at the 92nd St Y tonight as a part of BusinessWeek's Captains of Industry series. We assume the industry in question is dragging down television networks with horrific spin-offs. [Upcoming]