'NYT' Tracks Down Chelsea Gay
Yes yes yes. We also saw the Times article today about how people get grumpy when they're hungry (who knew!), and we also saw the article's third paragraph:
"I'm sorry, I was hungry" has become a culturally acceptable way to apologize for brusque behavior. Chelsea Gay, 29, who works in communications in Toronto, said she relies on it from time to time. "Once I identified those symptoms," Ms. Gay said, "I was able to say: 'I'm really hungry right now and I'm really sorry. Just give me half an hour and I'll be fine.'"
The only reason we haven't yet written about Chelsea Gay's appearance in — where else? — Thursday Styles was because we were hoping we'd hear back from reporter Stephanie Rosenbloom, to whom we emailed a few questions about her new, unfortunately named source.
But Rosenbloom never replied. We presume she's away from her computer, out somewhere interviewing Park Slope Dyke.