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About a month ago, Fairchild Publications — the Newhouse publishing division behind W, WWD, Jane, Details, and all your favorite rag-trade trade pubs — sent a company-wide email reminding staffers of its prohibition on holiday-time gifts from "clients and contacts." But Fairchild is being merged into Newhouse's glitzy and glossy Conde Nast umbrella, and that's creating an interestingly dichotomous Christmas season. Emails a Fairchild friend:

The origin of Fairchild's whole no-more-gifts-to-fashion-editors-as-this-is-a-journalism-church-state-thing was good 'ole Si Newhouse.

Now that we're more officially conde nast and that we're moving to new offices uptown in about a week, and that we'll eventually get new food services, which includes the very same steamed salmon 4 Times Square gets, we also have new email addresses:

HOWEVER, editors at the trades, namely WWD, will remain on the domain.

Why is this significant?

W mag et al. will now follow conde policy with regards to gifts, meaning there is no policy, meaning thank you Anna.

WWD will continue to follow Fairchild policy, as in thank you Si.

And a very merry Christmas to us all.

On the one hand we admit we're a touch skeptical that Christmas-gift policies vary depending solely on email domain. On the other hand, man, that sucks for you guys, WWD.

The Fairchild policy memo is after the jump.

Subject: From Ed Nardoza- Ethics Policy Regarding Gifts
Importance: High
To: Fairchild Editors and Publishers
From: Ed Nardoza and Eileen Cross
CC: Mary Berner and Patrick McCarthy
Re: Ethics Policy Regarding Gifts

As many of you may remember, last year at this time we sent out a letter to clients and contacts throughout our various industries alerting them to Fairchild's ethical policy regarding gifts. We're doing the same mailing again this year and would like to get your updated lists of companies and/or people who should be contacted. We'll need an updated contact name, company name and updated mailing address (don't forget zip codes). Please forward the information no later than Wednesday Nov. 9 to Tara Bonet-Black, who will handle the mass mailing.

Thank you,
Ed Nardoza
Eileen Cross