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Today is THE day to camp outside of 4 Times Square: it's the annual holiday lunch for Condé Nast editors and publishers! It's a little early this year (last year, we recall, the lunch was on December 22), but the glossy holiday spirit can never arrive soon enough. We're not sure what time, exactly, the food-picking is set to commence at the Four Seasons, but if you park yourself near the Nasty tower from, say, 11:45 AM till 2 PM or so, we're sure you'll see all your editorial idols hopping in and out of their individual towncars. (You don't honestly think they'd carpool, do you?)

Meanwhile, the assistants to all the editors and publishers will be having their own holiday luncheon, presumably held in a closet somewhere downwind from the Golf World bathrooms.

Memo Pad [WWD]