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Once upon a time there was a little girl who went to nursing school, but Aaron Spelling took her away from all that and now she's repaying the favor by sending letters to "hundreds of people, including actresses on current and former Spelling television shows," claiming the 82-year old producer sexually harassed her. Spelling has responded with preemptive measures:

Spelling and his wife, Candy Spelling, filed suit in Los Angeles Superior Court last week against Charlene Richards and her attorney, Don D. Sessions.

Richards signed a confidentiality agreement when she began working as a home nurse for Spelling, 82, in November 2004.

According to the lawsuit, Richards threatened to reveal confidential information about the "Charlie's Angels" TV producer unless he paid her "an unspecified amount" to settle her sexual harassment claims.[...]

The Spellings seek $5 million in compensatory damages. Their attorney, Bertram Fields, said Richards' claims are false.[...]

"She's asking for $30 million, which tells you something," Fields told The Associated Press.

The image of Jaclyn Smith or Tanya Roberts pulling a mysterious correspondence out of their mailbox, return address "Sessions Kimball & Turner LLP," then reading aloud the salacious accusations directed at the father figure who launched their careers, is itself as delicious a Spelling moment as we've ever heard. We further picture the women, clutching the letter in hand nervously, retiring to the living room, where their mentor's voice emanates shakily from a speaker on a large oak desk: "Angels, you gotta believe me. I never asked that nurse for a happy ending to my spongebath."