We hadn't quite decided what was most objectionable about the featured wedding couple in yesterday's Times. Was it the curious circumstances of their first meeting? Was it that they held their wedding on the sidewalk of Fifth Avenue in front of Tiffany's? Was it that the groom had stolen his best friend's longterm girlfriend? Was it that some of the couple's friends were so angry about this they chose not to attend the wedding? Was it that despite all this, they still allowed their wedding to be profiled in the Times?

Mostly, we realized, our revulsion was over the first and last points. Especially when blogger Confessions of a Casting Director had us reconsider the account of that first meeting, which occurred when the bride, temporarily in New York, had left messages for some college buddies of her old boyfriend's, seeking friends:

Ms. Scott worked down the list, but the only one who called her back — at 3 a.m. on the Saturday before her return to California — was Mr. Farber. She accepted his invitation to drop by his apartment, where he, she and some of his friends chatted until dawn.

The Casting Director then pointed us to the groom's Friendster page, and particularly one part of it:

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

On the positive side, however, is this: We've always assumed that having met someone in the middle of the night for some late-night "skiing" fun, no matter how much your relationship subsequently turned into a devoted, happy one, basically prevented you from getting a frothy Times wedding writeup. We're pleased to see we were mistaken.

Scott [Friendster]
Sarah Scott and Scott Farber [NYT]