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Here's one of the more interesting nuggets we've read in Lloyd Grove's Lowdown in some time:

WHY IVY LEAGUERS CAN'T READ: The best story making the rounds at the Harvard-Yale football game Saturday had nothing to do with the Crimson's dramatic 30-24 triple-overtime win. A Lowdown spy who attended the beer-drenched tailgate festivities in New Haven reports: "The Harvard Porta-Potties ran out of paper. Guess what they were using? New York magazine." Yesterday a rep for the mag laughed and declined comment. Suffice to say that this item certainly doesn't reflect Lowdown's high esteem for the glossy weekly.

We'd like to clarify that it also does not reflect Gawker's high esteem for the glossy weekly. Indeed, given our near-pathological fear of running out of toilet paper, it makes us even fonder of the mag.

Lowdown [NYDN (second-to-last item)]