• The Barbie Project, showing tonight and tomorrow at the Ohio Theatre, presents grown-up reflections on the "Barbie experience" through monologue, song, poetry, dance, and audience participation. A Barbie doll is provided; bring your own Dream House and negative body image. [flavorpill]
• Neil Jordan combines the obvious themes of "transgenderism and the IRA" in Breakfast on Pluto, a film chronicling the coming-of-age of an Irish tranny played by Cillian Murprhy. If you prefer bad Southern accents to Irish ones, Joaquin Pheonix and Reese Witherspoon star as prettier versions of Johnny and June Carter Cash in biopic Walk The Line, opening today. [Paper & TONY]
• Chicks on Speed is in fact the band, rather than the audience, expected at the Knitting Factory tonight with Kevin Blechdom. (Though we wouldn't be surprised by a few spectators with the same sobriquet.) [flavorpill]
• Shift of genre: Bravo Silva is throwing a CD release party at the Syrup Room in Williamsburg. The L train is a-runnin', there'll be a few other bands, and there are lots of other nice logistical and entertainment perks, but here's what you really need to know: FREE BEER from 9-10 and 2-3. [Syrup Room]
• American Analog Set finishes its whirlwind Big City tour (they came all the way from Texas, y'all) with a second show at the Mercury Theater tonight. Put on your "Fuck you, we couldn't get tickets to Animal Collective" best and show them what this town is all about. [ML]