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Is there any colder dish of revenge than one served from the grave? True, Harvey Weinstein's final all-bomb slate of Miramax releases may not look great lumped together on his IMDb profile, but the demonic jollies he's no doubt getting over Disney's $313 million cliff-dive more than makes up for it:

Amid encouraging early returns this month for the animated film Chicken Little, a flock of box-office turkeys came home to roost Thursday for Walt Disney Co.

A $313-million loss from Disney's film unit caused the Burbank company's fourth-quarter profit to fall 27% to $379 million. Disappointments included "Dark Water" and several poorly performing Miramax films.[...]

[M]ost of the blame fell to the anemic performance of the company's movies, including three Miramax films: The Great Raid, The Brothers Grimm and Underclassman. The three were among a rush of titles the studio had agreed to release by Sept. 30, the date Miramax founders Harvey and Bob Weinstein formally cut their ties to Disney.

Having survived the shock to the system provided by Harvey's Old Timey Miramax Dud Colonic, a relieved and optimistic Disney is no doubt hoping to recoup and rebuild, with their eyes falling on one Christlike figure onto whom they can pin those dreams. Rumors have it that certain boardroom members are going so far as to dub the post-Weinstein years "The Golden Era of the Zach Braff Farm Animal Voiceover."