Slate cultural editor Meghan O'Rourke, Times writers Ginia Bellafante and Daniel Mendelsohn, and a number of other equally-credentialed writers convene tonight at the Galleria illy for "An Evening of Catullus," readings from the works of the celebrated Roman poet. We remember enough high-school Latin to translate: "works of the celebrated Roman poet" means "graphic buttsex in a dead language." (6-8 pm tonight, 382 West Broadway between Spring and Broome Streets).
• Acclaimed African musicians Konono N 1 create Bazombo-inspired trance music using "thumb pianos called likemb , microphones made from old car parts, and pots and pans." Bring your own spatula to S.O.B.'s on Varick Street and see whether you can join in on the fun. [flavorpill]
• Housing Works kicks off its Fashion 4 Action Sample Sale today at its Chelsea thrift shop, featuring over 120 designers. A word to the wise: take that spatula along. 80% off retail always means a rumble. [Upcoming]