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Sure, Hollywood is a business, but that doesn't mean feelings don't sometimes get in the way. Take for instance the recent lawsuit filed by management company The Firm against former client Orlando Bloom:

The Firm, which reps a number of big celebs, claims Bloom scored starring roles in Elizabethtown, Haven, Kingdom of Heaven, and the sequels to Pirates of the Caribbean while the company repped him. Bloom fired The Firm in July of this year and jumped to Brillstein-Grey Entertainment.[...]

The Firm claims Bloom owes "no less than $660,000 in commissions" related to the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels alone.

It doesn't take an advanced couple's therapy degree to be able to read between these bitter lines; when a lawsuit reads "no less than $660,000 in commissions," that's just scorned-managerese for "hope you're happy forever with your new skankbag Brillstein-Grey, elf-dick boy!"