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Just to prove that we never exaggerated intelligence reports regarding our yellowcake, here's the Billy's Bakery confection that was delivered to our Millerpalooza Sweepstakes winner Sunday afternoon.

The winner, being a corporate lawyer and all, didn't so much like the idea of taking a high profile on Gawker — in fairness, there's evidence that this can sometimes be bad for one's career — and so he declined repeated entreaties to participate in a more public cakefication ceremony.

We were hoping to take advantage of his media clairvoyance to get answers to other questions that have recently been troubling us. But no dice there, either. "Sorry to disappoint," he emailed in his seventh or eighth polite attempt to get us to leave him alone, "but I've decided I don't want to be quoted further on the site." Fine. We know when we're not wanted, eventually.

Meantime, if any of the rest of you has a good guess on the other questions we tried to pose to the cakeman, predict away in the comments:

a. Will Arthur Jr. be forced out by the other Sulzbergers?
b. (Related: When?)
c. Who will buy AOL?
d. Will the New York Post ever turn a profit?
e. Who will be the new anchor of World News Tonight?
f. Who will be the new anchor of NBC Nightly News?
g. When will Anderson Cooper finally, publicly admit he's a big fag?
h. (Related: Top or bottom?)
i. When will Denton cash out of Gawker Media?
j. (Related: And what then becomes of us?)

If you're right, maybe we'll buy you some Entenmann's.

Today in Judy: Gawker's Millerpalooza Sweepstakes
Millerpalooza Sweepstakes: We Have a Winner