• Coming to you all the way from Portland, Oregon, dance company BodyVox takes over the Joyce Theater to present Civilization Unplugged, an 80-minute technologically-inspired performance that includes "an interactive dance driven by cell phone calls from the audience." Finally, a chance to show off that My Humps ringtone. [flavorpill]
• Dress like your mom for cheap: striped shirts, boat shoes, and navy-everything will be flying off the racks (we re sure) at the Nautica Sample Sale. [Paper]
• The New School gets comprehensive with a reading by the 2005 National Book Award finalists — including the kiddie authors — and a panel entitled Porn Goes Mainstream, all in one night. We ll let you decide whether to pay $10 to hear Joan Didion talk about her really, really bad weekend or to listen to maybe-kind-of-famous people talk about porn for free. It s pretty damn clear where we ll be. [New School x2]