You remember Ahmad Chalabi, of course. He's the Iraqi expatriate who, from his London-based Iraqi National Congress, fed the administration — and his pal Judy Miller — bullshit intelligence from within Iraq that the White House (and Judy) used to trick the American people into supporting the war. He's the guy who for a while was the Americans' best friend in Iraq until he wasn't anymore — it seems he was passing U.S. intelligence onto Iran, which caused an American ransacking of his home and headquarters. But now, they tell us, he's a good guy again. And so all the neocons love him.

None less so than the fine folks at The New York Sun, who were so pleased to get a meeting with the guy that they run a photo of Chalabi in their offices atop a lengthy editorial that sings his praises.

This image was lost some time after publication.

Isn't Sun managing editor Ira Stoll cute when he's in the throes of first love?

Chalabi at the Sun [NY Sun]