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· As far as we can tell, THR has the same details as yesterday's Var story about Arrested Development's reduced episode order, but goes the extra mile and declares the show canceled. Are the trades splitting hairs, or is the Deathwatch officially over? [THR]
· While News Corp. yearns to suckle profits from the internet's money-teat, earnings statements remind it that its old-timey talkies business is where Rupert Murdoch's bread is buttered. [Variety]
· Paramount continues its commitment to comedy, comedy, comedy, picking up SNL's Amy Poehler and Wedding Crashers' Isla Fisher's Groupies, a pitch about, um, groupies. [Variety]
· Scarlett Johansson is in negotiations to star in the movie adaptation of The Nanny Diaries. (Yes, as the nanny.) It's a bold, risky move by the Weinstein Co., who are ignoring The Island's producers' warnings that Johansson can't open a movie. [THR]
· No matter how many votive candles we light, rosaries we pray, or Sally Struthers-approved children we sponsor, Peter Berg continues to get work. [Variety]