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The terms of the contest were simple: Give us your prediction of when news would break that Judy Miller was leaving the Times, and you'd win. There were all sorts of rules and regulations surrounding that basic challenge — closest without going over, time to be determined by the timestamp on the first Romenesko post, tie to be broken by participant with most other correct details — but the challenge itself was straightforward. And so, as it turns out, was picking the winner.

Jim Romenesko first posted Bill Keller's staff memo at 3:40:22 yesterday afternoon. It was framed as Judy's choice to retire, and she was granted space in the letters column, which we'll consider close enough to getting the op-ed she wanted. But, actually, those other details are irrelevant, because only one guess came in within 24 hours in either direction. Oddly enough, it was also the very first entry we received:

i predict miller resigns november 9th at 3:00pm.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet your winner: Chris Nardozzi. He's a self-described "young attorney in Chelsea who spends his spare time predicting the downfall of public figures and uses the NYT as his puppy's wee-wee pad."

As if there's any surprise that anyone entering our contests would be a Chelsea puppy owner. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Let us know where and when, Chris, and we'll happily deliver your winning yellowcake.