• Tonight's Art Brut show at Mercury Lounge is sold out, but head on over to the Dark Room for the official "Tarts of Pleasure" afterparty. No less than venerable nightlife rag the New York Times has noted that the party is "chock full of high-energy odes to pretension" — Grey Lady slang for conspicuously coked-up girls in leggings! [Upcoming, WUNY]
• The Steven Kasher Gallery plays host to House of Campari's Passionate Image: The Body in Art and Advertising, which examines how art and advertising have become increasingly intertwined in recent years. Allow us our highbrow explanation: Classy boobies sell. [Paper]
• Tonight at Northsix in Brooklyn, celebrate the release of Homecoming 2004, a documentary on streetfighting poultry hybrids Chengwin and Chuck. We're as clueless as you. [flavorpill]