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Oh, thank you, Gabriel Sherman, for finally bringing us some new Judy Miller news: She's leaving again! So what if it's a double-reverse of what you told us last week — at least it's something. (And, in fairness, you nicely explain away last week's she's-sticking-around story, reporting that the don't-go plan was a hopeful, quixotic trial balloon from Sulzberger, floated to see if maybe — just maybe — they could all be friends again. They can't.)

Sherman's piece in today's new Observer asserts that a severance agreement between Miller and the Times has nearly been reached, and then it goes on to retell the backstory of the Judy-vs.-everyone saga. There's no word on whether she'll get the op-ed she demands, nor on what the other terms of the severance are, nor on when a deal might be reached.

But Sherman does make a persuasive case that the Times can't really fire Miller, as all of her potentially fireable offenses are debatable — and she's debating them. That means, then, that Miller would be agreeing to resign. And if she's agreeing to do that, we'd imagine the paper must be agreeing to do something for her — which, given how much she wants it, we suspect is the op-ed. (Anything to finally get rid of her.)

So, as of today, our prediction: She resigns sooner rather than later, and she gets her op-ed on the way out.

And if we're wrong, well, it's all Gabe Sherman's fault.

Off the Record [NYO]