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Yesterday we learned that Judy Miller might now be — who'd have thunk it — staying at the Times, and yet today there's no follow-up. (Timesman David Barstow made a very limited Judy defense in Utah, but that doesn't count.) There's nothing more from the Observer, no second-day piece from the Times itself or from the Journal, nothing new, even, from Arianna Huffington.

We're forced, then, to retreat to our favorite sort of analysis: Idle speculation. Can the Times really be preparing to welcome Judy back? Can Bill "We did everything wrong" Keller and Jill "I wish we'd done everything differently" Abramson supervise her again? (Can they effectively supervise her for the first time?) Most important: Would the newsroom tolerate her return?

We know we've got lots of Timespeople reading, and we want to hear from you. We'd also eagerly accept comments from any Joneses, Mnookins, or other devoted Times-watchers. (Work at the Times but don't have commenting privileges? Let us know; we'll immediately send the coveted invitations to anyone requesting from an address.) And to the rest of youse rabble, you think they'll take her back?

You must — oh, please, you must — have more to say about this than you did about the silly Michelin Guide.