NYP Login Hell Returns

It was too good to be true: After months of smoothly gliding into the Post's website with nary a glitch or an interruption, it seems that nypost.com decided, on this otherwise lovely fall morning, to crap in its own hands and wipe the mess all over our monitors.
First, they asked us to log in. Strange, we thought, seeing as we hadn't been asked to log in from our home computer for at least a month. But no biggie — we entered our info. And got nothing. So we entered it again. And got nothing. And again, and nothing, and so on and so forth and again and nothing and again until we went positively fucking insane just trying to read our tabloid again and again and we don't want to start our day like this but again we tried and again all we get is loneliness and nothingnothingnothingagain.