• Finally, an academic lecture we can identify with: Dr. David Weir, a comp lit prof at Cooper Union, gives a talk on Absinthe, the drink of choice of hipsters from Van Gogh to Joyce before Pabst and Red Stripe came along and watered down the fun for everyone. [Cooper]
• Artists, designers, public officials, transportation experts, and tax-industry reps present concepts for improving the New York City cab at Parsons' "Designing the Taxi" showcase at Tishman Auditorium. Here's our concept, free of charge: lower the fucking fare. [TONY]
• Over at the Baruch Performing Arts Center, the Aquila Theatre Company present their reworking of H.G. Wells' The Invisible Man as a paranoia-filled metaphor for our nation's futile war on "invisible" enemies. If that sounds a bit high-minded, Gwen Stefani plays Madison Square Garden. Holla back! [flavorpill and Upcoming]