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• R.W. Apple Jr., the Times political reporter-turned- professional gourmand and a guy who knows a thing or two about bigfooting through the newsroom, spoke yesterday at the Texas Book Festival. He was there to read from a new book on food, reports the Austin American-Statesman, but also ended up taking questions on politicis. "Apple, who had flattering things to say about Miller's doggedness as a reporter, nonetheless called her 'relentless and totally out of control,'" said the paper.

• Plus The New Yorker's Nicholas Lemann — who's also the dean of the Columbia J-School — reminds us that Miller has always been someone irritatingly on the make, "eager to let you know," when he first met her in 1976, that she traveled in a world of such international intrigue and important people — the sort of person who was always conducting hushed, urgent telephone conversations. And he also reminds us of just how much she has screwed things up for everyone at the paper: "The newsroom on West Forty-Third Street seemed as distracted as it had been during the Jayson Blair incident."

• And yet she hangs on. Have a guess on when she'll finally go? Enter our Millerpalooza Sweepstakes before midnight tonight.