• At Scenic s "I Am an Evil Halloween Party" bash: a live freak show, human flesh-hook tug-o-war, go-go girls, and the opportunity to inflict bodily harm on yourself for a nominal prize. No time like Halloween to admit you re into weird, freaky shit. [Paper]
• It's officially Gay Christmas when the village's annual Halloween parade gets rolling. If you want to participate, get wasted and be on 6th Avenue between Spring and Broome by 6pm. [About.com]
• Hate the costumed festivities? Tony Kushner, novelist Maureen Howard, slap-happy cultural critic Stanley Crouch, and Herman Melville scholar Andrew Delbanco take part in a Moby Dick-themed intellectual circle jerk at the 92nd Street Y tonight. We didn t read it in college, and we re not reading it now. [TONY]