LA Health Dept. to Gays: Stick to Smoking Dick
If a waxed, muscular arm happens to whip the cigarette out of your lips the next time you light-up, do not be alarmed. Towleroad reports of a new campaign sweeping through our fair city's streets called Last Drag. Mission: get The Gays to quit smoking:
Concerned about the high rates of smoking in the gay community, the Los Angeles Department of Health has begun a "Last Drag" campaign using a street team of hotties to try and get their point across.
Jeff Bailey of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center said that many gays begin smoking to deal with rejection by their families or the stress of coming out.
"When a lot of gay men and women come out, they come out in the bar culture, and the bar and club culture has really established a culture where it's OK to smoke," Bailey said. "We need to change that."
So basically, this Last Drag patrol is not unlike The Crest Team, only this time they are fighting the Cancery Creeps ("We. Make. Growths on lungs.") Good luck, guys. Ain't no gettin' between a 'mo and his Marlboros.