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More good news for Bloomberg! (As if he needed it.) Nearly four years into his anti-cigarette jihad, the state has announced that New York's smoking rate has hit a record low. Reports the Post:

The drop in cigarette use in New York, from 20.8 percent in 2003 to 18.1 percent in 2004, outpaced the national reduction of 21.6 percent to 20.9 percent over the same period, the report conducted by research group RTI International found.

But we're a bit skeptical about those findings. First, there's the whole When X is outlawed, only outlaws will have X thing, which we'd imagine skews the responses. Then, also, there's the simple fact that it sure doesn't look like it to us.

Then again, it's entirely possible that we only hang out with the most degenerate 18 percent.

Record-Low Nyers Smoke [NYP]