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Oh, how our dark masters with the deep pockets have smiled upon you today, dear readers! Too generous to simply wait until our normal Friday advertorial contest time, VH1 has taken it upon themselves to celebrate hump day with some always-welcome free shit.

In honor of the return of the show that launched a thousand talking-heads, I Love the 80's (airing every night this week at 9pm), VH1 is giving away one decadent time-capsule gift basket, stuffed with music, movies and trinkets from everyone's favorite decade of greed and big hair.

To win, put on your sassypants and complete the following sentence: "I love the 80's because..." Send your entry to, with the subject line 80s Contest, and we'll pick our favorite. Contest ends at 6pm today.

As always, by entering, you agree to eat your first-born child as part of our standard contest rules.